Joining Abbey School in Torquay, Devon

If you have a young family to educate and live in Torbay, South Devon in the south west peninsula of England, you are very fortunate for more than geographic reasons.

Abbey School Fees List 2022/ 2023

Tuition Fees

The Registration Fee is currently £50.00
The Deposit is currently £200.00

Termly Tuition Fees from September 2023

Reception £3,650.00 (£1234.92pcm x 3 each term)
Pre-Preparatory £4,100.00 (£1387.17pcm x 3 each term)
Preparatory £4,550 (£1539.42pcm x 3 each term)

ALL FEES fall due on the first day of term and must be paid by then unless other arrangements are in place. A 5% SURCHARGE is added to fees paid late.

FEES are charged termly, that is three times each year. Payment of fees is by Direct Debit. Monthly direct debits are subject to a surcharge.


15 and 30 Hour Funding for Reception Class Pupils
At Abbey School we accept the 15 and 30 hour funding up until the end of the term in which a child turns 5. In our Reception class this funding is applied as a grant towards the Reception class fees, it does not cover the fees in full. Please note that the 15 hour funding is an automatic entitlement whereas it is the responsibility of the parents/ carers to apply for the 30 hour funding and to provide us with the eligibility code on the correct form, which can be collected from the School Office. The 30 hour funding is subject to eligibility criteria, more information can be found on the HMRC website (

Incidental Charges

Early/ Late Room for School Pupils
Please note that our Early Room pricing is inclusive of breakfast, all children in Early Room between 8am and 8.30am will be offered breakfast 

Early Room – between 8am and 9am
£8.00/hour (£2.00 per 15 mins)
(breakfast served between 8am and 8.30am)

Late Room – until 5.30pm
£7.40/hour (£1.85 per 15 mins)
(not including snack)

Milk break-time milk, if taken……£35 per term

Our list of charges is not comprehensive, however, charges for the following are announced when appropriate: residential trips, singing lessons, musical instruments and music books, tennis coaching and school text books which are lost or damaged by pupils.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Speech & Drama and Music lessons are not invoiced by the school but by the Drama / Instrumental teacher.

For further information about lessons, please ask at the school office.

Abbey Nursery Fees from September 2023

Our Nursery Offer

For children not yet eligible for 3 and 4 year old funding

  • We offer a 38 week term time for your child’s sessions, which falls in line with the nursery term dates.
  • If you would like your child to attend outside of their term dates, you can book them in to our Abbey Adventures Holiday Club, which is open during the holidays. Please note that we close on Bank Holidays and during the week between Christmas and New Year.

For children eligible for 3 and 4 year old funding

  • We offer a 38 week term time for child’s sessions which falls in line with the nursery term dates.
  • If you would like your child to attend outside of their term dates, you can book them in to our Abbey Adventures Holiday Club, which is open during the Abbey School holidays. Please note that we close on Bank Holidays and during the week between Christmas and New Year.

15 and 30 Hour Funding
At Abbey School Nursery we accept the 15 and 30 hour funding for all 3 and 4 year olds (from the term following their 3rd birthday until the end of the term in which they turn 5). Please note that the 15 hour funding is an automatic entitlement whereas it is the responsibility of the parents/ carers to apply for the 30 hour funding and to provide us with the eligibility code on the correct form, which can be collected from the School Office. The 30 hour funding is subject to eligibility criteria, more information can be found on the HMRC website ( The 15 and 30 hour funding can be claimed between 8am and 5.30pm, Mondays to Fridays, during the 38 week term time. Please note that the EYFS curriculum is delivered during our core hours (9am – 3pm)

Finance FAQ’S

If you have any further questions regarding Abbey School Fees you may find the answers in our FINANCE FAQ’s section.

Payment of Fees

  • Bills are raised termly, this is 3 times/ year (Autumn term, Spring term, Summer term) – this is for term time attendance only, holiday club sessions are paid for separately.
  • We request that fees are paid either termly or monthly* by direct debit. Fees are collected on the first day of each term (ie 3 times a year) or the first working day of the first three months of each term. Alternatively, fees can be paid by bank transfer or cheque.
  • There is an automatic sibling discount of 5% for the youngest child (for siblings concurrently in the school and/ or nursery)
  • Fees paid late will incur a 5% surcharge
  • For more information please contact Mrs Sally Nuttall, our Finance Officer, on

*please note that monthly payments are subject to a small surcharge

Childcare Vouchers
We also accept various forms of childcare vouchers. This is a tax-saving way of paying for both nursery and out of hours care. Your employer will be able to advise if they run these schemes.

Co-Curricular Activities
Group Swimming with Swimming Coach (Cygnets only)…….. £75 per term

To find the termly fee appropriate for your child’s attendance please see the tables below.

Upon registering your child a non-returnable registration fee of £50 and a deposit of £200 are payable


3 hours
4 hours
inc Lunch
2 hours
Full Day Early Room Late Room
9.00 -12.00 9.00 – 1.00 1.00 – 3.00 9.00-3.00 Between 8am and 9am Between 3pm  and 5:30pm
Under 2’s £26.64 £39.84 £17.76 £57.60 £9.60/ hr £8.88/ hr
Over 2’s £22.20 £33.20 £14.80 £48.00 £8.00/hr £7.40/hr

Please note that a minimum attendance of 2 sessions per week is required

Consumables Charge
The Government funding is intended to deliver 15 or 30 hours a week of free, high quality, flexible childcare. It is not intended to cover the costs of meals, drinks, snacks, other consumables, extra hours or additional activities. A consumables charge of £1.00 per funded hour per week will be applied to 3 and 4 year old funded sessions to contribute to these costs. 


Removal of your child from Abbey School Nursery
Please may we remind you that a minimum of one term’s written notice is required for removal of your child from Abbey School Nursery, which must be provided on or before the first day of their final term; if such notice is not received, one term’s fees in lieu of notice becomes payable.

To discover for yourself the benefits your child will gain from an Abbey School education, make an appointment to visit us now, by email or by calling the School Administrator on 01803 327868.

Ofsted Report

Until just over a year ago our inspection authority used to be OFSTED. We then joined the IAPS (the Independent Preparatory Schools Association) and fell under the remit of ISI (the Independent Schools Inspectorate).

Ofsted do not publish the results of independent prep schools, but ISI do, and we have discovered that our Key Stage 2 (Year 6) SATs results from 2016 have catapulted us directly into the Top 100 Preparatory Schools in England, at position 64, as published in the Sunday Times of 19th November 2017. This includes all preparatory school and all junior departments of Public School that sit SATS.

Come and visit us and see for yourselves the wonderful facilities and excellent teaching that support this remarkable fete!

Previous Ofsted Report Summary

  • The attainment of pupils is consistently above the standards expected nationally and all, including those who are disabled or have special educational needs, make strong progress from their starting points.
  • Teaching is consistently good and some is outstanding. Teachers have high expectations and form excellent relationships with their pupils right through from the Early Years Foundation Stage.
  • The curriculum, based firmly on the National Curriculum, meets pupils’ needs and provides a rich experience as well as promoting excellence in reading, writing, communication and mathematical skills.
  • Behaviour is outstanding and no time is lost in lessons, where pupils are eager and enthusiastic learners. They are consistently thoughtful, kind and supportive of one another, and develop an excellent understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe.
  • The leadership team has developed since the last inspection and provides focused and inspirational leadership for the school. Leaders ensure that teaching and achievement are good and that the provision for pupils’ personal development and welfare, health

Download and view the latest full Ofsted report.
To view more detailed Ofsted information click here.
You can also view the DfE School Performance Tables website.

Abbey School Nursery – Ofsted Report (September 2016)

In September 2016, Abbey School Nursery was inspected by Ofsted, and received an overall rating of GOOD. For ‘Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare’ we were rated as OUTSTANDING.

Download and view the latest full Ofsted report.

  • Dr Louise Lawrence
    For us as parents, Abbey has made memories to cherish from the daily written descriptions of what Andrew has been up to, to cheering him along on his first sports day and on stage in the nursery play. Abbey nursery is, quite simply, a very special place.
    Dr Louise Lawrence
  • Peter & Theresa Rogers
    We wrote after our daughters did so well in their GCSE's but have even more news to celebrate. In their A Level exams both have come in the top five results in the country for A Level Computing
    Peter & Theresa Rogers
  • Jo Spurle
    Abbey Nursery is more than just 'childcare', as a parent I appreciate the consistency and experience of the teachers, and they way they really get to know the children as individuals, working with you as a parent to ensure the very best for each child, whatever their needs or abilities might be.
    Jo Spurle
  • Sue Mc Cormick

    My child has enjoyed being in nursery from day 1. He never wants to come home!

    Sue Mc Cormick
  • Mr R Cherry
    We are very pleased with the high standard of teaching and organised curriculum of Abbey school and would highly recommend sending your child to the school. The personalised learning style at Abbey school helps all of the individual needs of each pupil.
    Mr R Cherry
  • Russell & Helen Bennett

    Our children have a 'can-do' attitude to life which has come directly from attending Abbey School

    Russell & Helen Bennett

Abbey School Uniform

Our uniform list is available separately and copies are available from the school office. Our school uniform is now available to purchase from our online uniform supplier.

Uniform lists have already been emailed to parents.Our uniform is serviceable and practical. Compliance is strict and any infringements will be brought to your attention.

Please note: Any prolonged non-compliance to uniform items will result in these items being purchased on your behalf and the cost added to your account.

To discover for yourself the benefits your child will gain from an Abbey School education, make an appointment to visit us now, by email or by calling the School Administrator on 01803 327868.

Abbey School Catering

Fresh Food Daily

Abbey School lunches are made in-house by our Catering Manager who has been creating lunches for our pupils in Abbey School and Holiday Clubs for over 10 years. He really knows what children enjoy!

To give them the energy they need for the afternoon sessions it is very important that children eat at lunchtime, rather than simply push food around their plates. That is why (with the noted exception of ‘chips’ and the unspeakable ‘turkey twizlers’, which we have never served) we offer food that children enjoy eating. Weekly menus, that over time have become proven ‘hits’ with our pupils, are published on the school notice boards.

Food Standards Agency 5* Rating

Following a recent inspection in March 2023 the School has been awarded a 5* Rating by the Food Standards Agency for the quality of our food, hygiene of our kitchen areas and training of our catering staff and food handlers.

We are very proud of our 5* rating and continue to uphold only the very best standards in this area, ensuring that all Abbey School children receive high quality nutritious meals daily.

Special Dietary Needs

Our catering team are pleased to prepare separate dishes for children with particular dietary, social or religious requirements and if such matters affect your child, please come into school and discuss your specific needs with our catering manager.

If we are not already aware of your particular requirements or how to prepare the special meals that your child needs, for the benefit of your child we are very happy to learn from you, so call in and discuss what is needed and work with us until we can confidently provide your child with what is required. If you can do it, we can do it, even if we might need your help for a while at first.